As a result of the E-ENERGY lighthouse project, which was funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Actions (BMWK), leading manufacturers of energy-relevant devices founded the EEBus Initiative e.V. in 2012. Since then, EEBUS has evolved from a funding project to a technical standard with commercial viability. The EEBUS vision, to advance science, research, and environmental protection through the unification and standardisation of interfaces, is successful, as evidenced by the solution’s widespread market acceptance as well as that of national and international policymakers, significant industrial associations, and global platforms.

More than 60 companies and associations are now members of EEBUS and about 10 full-time staff members work for the Initiative in the fields of specification engineering and association development and management. The Initiative’s headquarter is located in Cologne, and another office representation in Brussel.


Digitalisation of energy transition


Networking of international members


Specification documents free of charge


Our board is made up of a variety of experts from various fields. They have all committed to the same goals and share the same vision: to make EEBUS a global communication standard for energy management devices and systems.

Dr. Gunnar Steg

1st chairman of the board

Volkswagen AG
Executive Assistant Truck & Bus

Johannes Hauck

2nd chairman of the board

Hager Electro
Corporate Strategy and Business Development

Andreas Habermehl

Andreas Habermehl

Member of the board

Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Industry (ZVEH)
Managing Director Technology and Professional Training

Markus Hettig

Markus Hettig

Member of the board

Schneider Electric
VP Building Business DACH Europe Operations

Dieter Kehren

Dieter Kehren

Member of the board

Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH)
Head of Department Smart Heating

Peter Kellendonk

Member of the board

Standardisation Strategy and Associations

Dr. Sören Krotzky

Member of the board

Bosch Thermotechnology
VP Engineering: Electronic, Software and Systems

Tom Rudolph

Tom Rudolph

Member of the board

Miele Smart Home/Electronic
Director Innovation Electronic Systems

Jan Van Laethem

Jan Van Laethem

Member of the board

EVP Business Segment Home

Janosch Wagner

Janosch Wagner

Member of the Board

Power Plus Communications AG

Dr. Robert Böhm

Managing Director



Advisory Board

Members of the Advisory Board.

Jo Vandale

Jo Vandale

Member of Advisory Board
Dr. Bernhard Thies

Dr. Bernhard Thies

Member of Advisory Board
Josef Baumeister

Josef Baumeister

Member of Advisory Board


“EEBUS empowers the digitalisation of energy transition. Cross-sector coupling can only work, if all components involved are using the same communication interface that fulfils all requirements of todays and the future energy system. With EEBUS, we develop and standardise such a dynamically flexible interface on behalf of the industry and provide a global standard for communication!“

Dr. Robert Böhm

Managing Director, EEBus e.V.


Our members stem from all energy management relevant domains: from automotive, smart heating and cooling to PV and batteries, white goods, energy management systems, as well as smart metering and smart grid. Their diversity and comprehensive knowledge are the key drivers of our use case development and the resulting EEBUS Standard. Their implementations are the first to be tested and their EEBUS products the first to reach market-readiness.

Cross-industry associations

Leading companies

Member benefits

As a member of the EEBUS initiative, companies benefit from the opportunity to integrate their own demands and requirements in the process of use case development prior to its release as a standard. The early involvement within the initiative allows for an active participation in the technical development of the EEBUS standard and to acquire a deep understanding of the concept of energy management and the use of EEBUS specifications. In addition, members benefit from first hand insights in standardisation activities on European level as well as from the cross-industry networking opportunities within the initiative. In collaboration with other members, companies can test the interoperability of their products within the initiatives testing events and facilities to ensure market-readiness. Finally, the EEBUS membership stands for front runners in the fast-growing market environment related to energy transition as well as active contributors in the effort of decarbonisation and climate protection.


Active participation in working groups


Information access to ongoing standardisation activities on European level


Cross-industry networking related to digitalisation of energy transition


Interoperable and market-ready products


Become a front runner reputation


Through the application form you submit your official application to become an EEBUS member. The bylaws set out basic provisions and the way in which the association is to operate. The contribution rules are part of the statutes and govern the members’ contribution obligations. The purpose of the association and general rules of behaviour including cartel law are summarised in the code of conduct.


Application Form


Contribution Rules




Code of Conduct