ARNi –Living Lab Cologne The mission of the project is to develop test descriptions for all relevant interfaces (devices and systems). Living Lab enables practical testing (based on test descriptions) particularly at the interface to the Smart Meter Gateway....


RESIGENT In the near future, several market participants with correlating interests and control demands will reach the smart building and it’s devices. A grid operator could send a power limitation to reduce the total power consumption, while an aggregator sends a...


Fit4echange The project focus lies on the increase of grid stability with a simultaneous ramp-up of e-mobility. Within Fit4echange, sensor and visualisation tools, allowing for increasing transparency in the current and prospected grid status, are to be developed as...


Unit-e How electromobility can be optimally integrated into the power grid is being investigated by the research project "unIT-e² - Reallabor für verNETZte E-Mobilität" in four field tests across Germany. To approach the complex topic from all sides at the same time,...