Greetings from Prof. Dr. Pinkwart, Minister of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North-Rhine-Westphalia
EEBUS Managing Director Baumeister present what we have achieved: European standardization e.g. ETSI STANDARDS smart appliances extension to SAREF, Market coverage, Internationalization e.g. new members like Nari Group a Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid China
Speech from Svetoslav Mihaylov. Policy Officer, Smart Mobility & Living, DG CNECT EU Commission. The importance of SAREF (Smart Appliances Reference Framework) in the European energy system and the role of EEBUS
EEBUS as a business enabler using the model region Rennovates in the Netherlands as an example. Speech from Dennis van Goch, BAMGroup. More information to REnnovates here
Presentation of EEBUS live demo on home energy management and interface to the smartgrid with products of member companies e.g. SMA, Vaillant, Mennekes, Theben, Miele, Viessmann, Hager, Schneider Electric, Bosch and many more