The 12th EEBUS member assembly will take place on Oct, 30th as online session. The invite has been send out to all EEBUS members.
This year we made really good progress with the use cases and standardization works. Here some highlights:
One highlight is definitely that EEBUS solves the new §14a / EEG regulatory requirements through its technology which enables secure and bidirectional DSO to building communication. The brand new power monitoring and power limitation use case will help to identify hot spots in the distribution network and react in time by temporary power limitation. Beside EVs/EVSEs, heat pumps and PV inverters will be limited in power during critical grid situation. This mechanism can be applied to other country specific grid standards (e.g. IEC61850, DNP3, openADR, …) to make sure EEBUS devices will deliver grid services wherever needed.
Another highlight is our participation in the H2020 project Interconnect from the European Commission where EEBUS is leading the use case definition of pilot installations in 7 countries. Actually EEBUS is in the phase of harmonization of the uses cases to make sure we can show real interoperability. Beside power monitoring and limitation our incentive table based uses cases for EVs and HVAC systems will be tested in combination with the time of use/flexible tariff use case which enables us to send price or tariff information to buildings.
Beside archiviements report and the official part of the members assembly there will be an lecture on energy management and bi-directional EV charging.