by | Jun 12, 2023 | 2023, Press Release, Pressemitteilung
Cologne/Mannheim, 12 June 2023: After a long period of successful cooperation in many projects, PPC is now also formally becoming a member of EEBus e.V.. The symbiosis between PPC’s product portfolio and EEBUS as a protocol for applications in front and behind...
by | Feb 6, 2023 | Allgemein
Cologne/EU 16.01.2023 The new white paper ‘Leveraging IoT and Edge Computing Infrastructures to foster Energy Flexibilities through next energy sectorial integration’- incl. EEBUS’ contribution regarding standardisation towards interoperability and energy flexibility-...
by | Jan 20, 2023 | 2022, News, News
Cologne/Porto, January 19, 2023 How EEBUS is translating upcoming German Law into standard-based communication and technology and thereby provides an answer to the newest energy crises, can now be read in the most recent article of the InterConnect Blog: Energy crisis...
by | Dec 19, 2022 | Allgemein, Press Release, Pressemitteilung
At this year’s ENLIT Europe ESMIG and EEBUS jointly presented their demonstration on end-to-end interoperability. Together with members of both associations, the transmission of a signal along the entire communication chain, from grid operator to end device level, has...
by | Sep 29, 2022 | 2022, News, News
Great success of second EEBUS testing event at our new Living Lab Cologne: From September 21st to 23rd 2022, EEBUS Initiative hosted its second Plugfest on Capacity Management and related EEBUS Use Cases and in parallel conducted an expert conference. Various...